read the book of Genesis, and the chapters that followed invariably sent me to
sleep. –Mahatma Gandhi
everyone! In my previous article, I proved how hypocrisy is prevailing in the
name of Jesus. Also, I hope you noted that I don’t oppose Christianity. But, I
oppose the hypocrisy of orthodox Christianity.
Why did Mahatma Gandhi
dislike the Old Testament?
a book that’s supposed to be “holy”, it really talks a lot about murder, rape,
human sacrifice, animal sacrifice, genocides, burning towns, and so on. In my
opinion, it is better to be an atheist than to be someone like Dave who
believes the laws of the Old Testament to be legitimate even today. If you
don’t agree, then think about why no one has been stoned to death by atheists!
live in an age of science, logic and reasoning, and even in such a world, some
people still believe in fairytales. Such people not only hinder the progress
and development of this world, but also try to force other people to believe
what they don’t want to.
says that salvation can be found only through Jesus. We all know that God will
not judge us by where we were born, or what our skin color is. All God wants
from us is righteousness. But, according to Dave, no matter how righteous you
are, if you are not a Christian, you are going to hell. They claim their
religion to be true and others false. Such people should not even dare touch
the subject of love and compassion because they are showing the exact opposite
through their false propaganda. Such people are making a mockery out of God’s
love and kindness. They make it seem as if God is a cruel monster. So, according
to Dave if you are born in a very rural area, where Christianity never got
preached, and in your entire life, you never heard of Jesus, it means you are going to hell!
Jesus existed, I admit he is undoubtedly the best or the second best person in
the whole world. But, my point is that people like Dave are far from being
followers of Jesus. They don’t even know what the real name of Jesus was. They
don’t worship Jesus; they worship the Bible which was not written by Jesus nor
any of his followers. Majority of the pages of the Bible were written by people
who wanted to misguide humanity. Dave and his chums take all words from the Old
Testament to be words of God. They are actually insulting God when they are
indirectly saying that God asked for human sacrifice and animal sacrifice.
asked Dave to read the Gospel of the Holy Twelve and even sent it to him
through an email. But, without even reading a single paragraph, Dave looked up
on some random articles written by anonymous people in Wikipedia or somewhere and
claimed that it was a hoax without even
reading it! I don’t know what else to say about his foolishness.
funny that though nowhere in the Bible it says that Jesus liked the Old
Testament, Dave and such people claim that He did. Dave’s version of
Christianity contradicts with the teachings of Jesus. Let me show you some
major differences between the two:
Teachings of Jesus
Teachings of Dave
The laws of the Old Testament are flawed. They should be rejected. (John 8: 1- 11)
The laws of the Old Testament are commands of God. Accept them.
God desires mercy, not animal sacrifice. (Matthew
12: 7)
God desires both mercy and animal sacrifice.
God loves animals. (Matthew 6: 26)
God does not love animals.
To enter heaven, one needs to be righteous. (Matthew 7: 21)
To enter heaven, one needs to believe in Jesus.
Christians are not supposed to eat animal flesh. (Gospel of the Holy Twelve)
Christians are free to eat animal flesh.
you have any questions about God or morality, the Bible will not give you an
absolute answer. The following is a list of self-contradictions in the Bible-
Question number 1: Is
every word in the Bible the word of God?
1 Corinthians 7: 25: … I do not have a command from the
Lord, but I give my opinion as one who by the Lord’s mercy is worthy of trust.
2 Timothy 3: 16: All scripture is inspired by God and
is useful for teaching the truth…
Question number 2- Is
Jesus equal to God?
John 14: 28: …for the Father is greater than I.
John 10: 30: The father and I are one.
Question number 3- Should
we observe the Sabbath?
Exodus 20: 8: Observe the Sabbath and keep it holy.
Romans 14: 5: One person thinks that a certain
day is more important than other days, while someone else thinks that all days
are the same. Each one should firmly make up his own mind.
Question number 4- Can
we see God?
Exodus 33: 11: The Lord would speak with Moses face
to face, just as a man speaks with a friend.
John 1: 18: No one has ever seen God.
Question number 5- Were
the laws and words of God perfect?
Hebrews 8: 7: If there had been nothing wrong with
the first covenant, there would have been no need for a second one.
Psalms 18: 30: This God- how perfect are His deeds!
How dependable are His words!
Question number 6- Does
God want some people to go to hell?
Proverbs 16: 4: Everything the Lord has made has
its destiny; and the destiny of the wicked is destruction.
2 Peter 3: 9: …He does not want anyone to be
destroyed, but wants all to turn away from their sins.
Question number 7: Where does God rule?
Psalms 9: 11: Sing praise to the Lord, who rules
in Zion!
Psalms 123: 1: Lord, I look up to you, up to
heaven, where you rule!
Question number 8- Is
it okay for Christians to curse people?
Romans 12: 14: Ask God to bless those who persecute
you- yes, ask him to bless, not to curse.
2 Corinthians 16: 22: Whoever does not love the Lord- a
curse on him!
Question number 9: Who
gave Moses the Ten Commandments?
Exodus 20: 1: God spoke, and these were his words:
Galatians 3: 19: The Law was handed down by angels,
with a man acting as a go-between.
Question number 10: Should
innocents be killed?
1 Samuel 15: 3: Don’t leave a thing; kill all the
men, women, children, and babies; the cattle, sheep, camels and donkeys.
Proverbs 6: 16- 19: There are seven things that the Lord
hates and cannot tolerate: A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that kill
innocent people…
that’s not all. The ten self-contradictions listed above are just a few
examples. The Bible is a book full of such worthless messages and that’s the
reason it is extremely offensive to say that everything written in it was commanded
by God.
like Dave are trying to take over our free will. They want us to do as the
Bible says. Plus, they want us to follow it by heart according to how THEY interpret
the Bible. People like Dave are also probably convinced that the Bible says
whatever they themselves believe to be right.
Many people, in order to gain
advantage over others, wrote a few doctrines, claimed it to be the word of God,
and expected others to obey it. Many people were fooled. And, people like Dave,
even today, are still deceived by those false doctrines and fairytales which
were written by people two millennia ago. In addition, there is no evidence
that those events ever took place. It’s pathetic that even in today’s world people
like Dave still believe that those ridiculous and laughable laws and commands
came from God. They have been completely brainwashed and even if Jesus comes
back to our world in the flesh, they would turn a blind eye to Him. Instead,
they would laugh at Jesus, and call him a “hoax”.
people like Dave who call themselves Christians are the very people who are murdering the teachings of Jesus. If He
were to come back, people like Dave would be nothing but an embarrassment to
Christ Himself.
are the merciful.
Good job pointing out all those contradictions and hypocrisy. That seems to be what the church and their followers base their faith on.