Monday, 16 July 2012

Stupid delusions

Muslim terrorists believe that crashing a helicopter into a huge building to kill innocent people in the name of their religion is an act worthy of rewards after death. They believe that after death, they will go to heaven to be greeted by beautiful virgins and will sit on their thrones for eternity.
We people can find no logic in those beliefs. We laugh at such ideas. But Muslim terrorists are not the only people who are blinded by such stupid delusions. Orthodox Christians are just the same. They believe that they can sin as much as they want, and after that, all they need to do is to “believe” in Jesus, and all their sins will be forgiven and they will go to heaven for eternity. Personally, I believe that in today’s world of logic and science, people who spread such madness should be punished by the law. 

List of Stupid Delusions

Orthodox Christians believe in Heaven and Hell. Orthodox Christians believe that sinners will go to hell while the “true” Christians will go to heaven. It is ridiculous that they believe sinners will be punished by the Devil. Why would the Devil punish sinners when he is the one who supposedly misguided them? The Devil would reward them, instead, for following in his footsteps.
Orthodox Christians believe that the Earth is flat and stationary because the Bible says so in Psalms 93: 1, 96: 10, or 104: 5. They don’t believe in scientific theories and believe whatever the Bible says. There is also no use arguing with such people.
Orthodox Christians believe that the Bible is really God’s word. They believe every word in the Bible to be absolute. There are uncountable self-contradictions and stupid passages in the Bible. Yet, they ignore those passages and continue claiming the Bible to be a word of God. Funny thing is that the “Song of Solomon” which is nothing more than erotic love poetry is included in the so-called “holy” Bible. Some Christians try to defend themselves by saying that the poem is describing the relationship between them and God. But, that’s ridiculous. How can the relationship between two sexual partners be compared to the relationship between God and his devotees? By including the “Song of Solomon” in the Bible, Christians have made a mockery of God’s love.
Orthodox Christians believe that if a girl in ancient Israel didn’t scream while she was raped, she deserved death. (Deuteronomy 22: 24)
Orthodox Christians believe that there is nothing wrong with genocides if they are supposedly commanded by their god.
This list can go on and on, but I don’t feel like adding anything more.

Why isn’t the Christian god fit for worship?

The Bible itself describes God as wrathful who gets easily annoyed when people don’t worship him. Let’s see some examples:
Nahum 1: 2: The Lord God tolerates no rivals; he punishes those who oppose him. In his anger he pays them back.
Deuteronomy 6: 15: If you worship other gods, the Lord’s anger will come against you like fire and will destroy you completely…
Wow, the Lord’s anger will come to harm me in the form of fire if I do something like worshipping other gods. It doesn’t sound loving or compassionate, does it?
Even many Christians who haven’t read the Bible get shocked when they come across such passages. They weren’t aware that they were worshipping such a malevolent God.
Christians describe their God to be loving and compassionate. It contradicts their claim that says not believing in Jesus is hell-deserving. If a God, for not believing in his son, would send you to hell for eternity, would you call him kind and compassionate?
So, my point is that either the Christian god is a demon, or the Bible is making a mockery of him. I think it is probably the latter one.
That is why you should remember that you cannot be a follower of both Jesus and the Bible.
Blessed are the merciful.