Jesus is still alive
Believe it or not, Jesus is still
alive. Yes, he is! But, where? In the church? No. In Jewish temples? No. He is
inside each and every innocent animal that are slaughtered by selfish people for
food, clothing and other
needs. Jesus is often called the lamb. That’s because
Jesus was as innocent as the lambs. Plus, the lambs and other animals are brutally
tortured and killed the same way Jesus was.

Punishment for killing Jesus
Even people who call themselves
Christians are contributing to the death of those innocent animals. In this
way, they are torturing Him. So, punishment has been inflicted on our planet. And
that is Global Warming. Until people stop eating animal flesh, this world will
suffer from it. Eating animals is the number one cause of global warming. Watch
the video below to know more.
It seems pollution is nowadays
inevitable. But, meat-eating is not. So, if people stop eating meat, global
warming will decrease and will probably be over once and for all. Plus,
meat-production causes more pollution than any other kind of production. Meat
is causing the destruction of natural habitats and our ecosystem. Believe it or not, more than ninety percent
of the Amazon Forest, cleared since 1970, has been used for meat production.
It’s sad that selfish people eat
the flesh of innocent animals and look for all kinds of stupid excuses to
justify their selfish actions. Some stupid people even go to the height of
saying that their scriptures allow meat-eating, and in this way they contribute
to the destruction of our planet. Even if scripture did allow meat-eating, they
forget that those were written thousands of years ago. In today’s world, being
a vegetarian is a MUST.
Do orthodox Christians care?
If meat-eating is destroying our
planet, why don’t orthodox Christians preach, or at least follow vegetarianism.
Point is that orthodox Christians don’t care about the planet. They care about-
1. Their
own stomachs (They say Yahweh allowed the eating of innocent animals, though he
2. Their
own friends, families and relatives (Their circle of compassion can’t go any
3. Forcing
their doctrine down other people’s throats. (Plus, they think that they are
doing the world a favor by doing this.)
4. Acting
as if they are much better than others. (They believe they are going to heaven
just because they believe in THEIR version of Jesus.)
5. Citing
Bible passages in public. (Though Jesus, in Matthew’s Gospel, said not to.)
6. Criticizing
atheists and people of other religions. (Though Jesus taught them not to judge
7. Wasting
time on trying to prove their false idea of Biblical perfection instead of
doing something for the poor. (Though the Bible contradicts itself hundreds of
8. Cursing
Mormons and Seventh-Day Adventists, because their beliefs are bit different
than theirs.
9. Cursing
anyone who interprets the Bible in a different way.
10. Talk
about how their generation is not doing anything to make the world a better
place, while they themselves destroy the world by killing and eating animals,
and by doing other such wicked and worthless things.
Christian animal lovers
St. Francis of Assisi said that
animals are our brothers and sisters. Leo Tolstoy said that as long as there
are slaughterhouses there would be battlefields. Plus, many early Church
fathers preached vegetarianism. Yet, orthodox Christians refuse to believe the
words of those great people. That’s why they are nothing but hypocrites. I
wonder what Jesus would say to them if He gets a chance to meet them.
For those who are orthodox
Christians, leave this page right now and continue your prayer or whatever you
have to do. For those who are open minded Christians, I would like to tell you
to always remember that Jesus taught love and compassion and there is nothing
loving and compassionate about the brutal murder of innocent animals, about
causing world hunger and about causing the destruction of our planet. Let’s
show love to our fellow creatures and make this world a better place.
Blessed are the merciful.
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