Friday, 19 October 2012

Thanking God

Not only Christians, but many religious nuts give the credit to their imaginary deity when something favorable happens in their lives. But there is no logic in that. Let’s see how.

Suppose a poor man’s son has fallen sick. And, the man is next to helpless. So, he somehow managed to collect money from his friends and take his son to a good hospital. At the hospital, the doctors worked hard to save his son’s life and succeeded. Now, if the man is religious, he will forget how much money his friends sacrificed for him, and how hard the doctors worked. In fact, he will even forget the actions done by himself for his son. Instead of thanking the people who really saved his son’s life, he will give the thanks to the deity he believes in. If he is a Muslim, he will thank Allah, if he is a Christian, he will thank Jesus, if he is a Hindu, he will thank any of the Hindu gods and so on. But, if the deity he believes in really had something to do with his son’s recovery, why did the man take his son to a hospital in the first place? He could have simply prayed to his deity and his son should have recovered immediately.

Whenever you are in a tough situation, and you somehow manage to get out of it, few points should be remembered. If it was your god who helped you, why did he put you in that bad situation in the first place? You may say, “To test my faith”. But, that’s rubbish. If it was really done to test your faith, then why would your god help you? When you are at school, your teachers may take exams to test your intelligence, but they won’t help you on the test, will they? Similarly, if it is a test, what is the logic in thanking god? The second point is that if it was really god who helped you, why did you work so hard to get out of the situation? You may say, “Because my god wants me to do my work myself.” And, that’s exactly the point. If your god wants you to do everything yourself, why bother with him? Why pray to him to help you, and why waste time thanking him when he didn’t?

The problem with many people is that they don’t have enough self-confidence and have no courage to face the reality. That’s why they need a god. In ancient times, whenever it rained, people thought some deity was doing it. Today, we know that it is simply the water cycle. Many people also thought that thunderstorms were caused when the gods were angry. Even today, people haven’t changed much. 

The point here is not whether God exists or doesn’t exist. The point is that we should learn to live without a god. Children can’t and shouldn’t stick with their parents all their life. One day, they have to become independent and stand on their own. The case with God is just the same. It is really childish and pathetic to behave well because you are afraid of being punished by God. People should learn to be good without expecting any rewards for it. People should learn to be responsible for their own actions, instead of thanking or blaming God for everything. A parent would always wish that their children grow up quickly and become independent. If God exists, why do people think that God is any different? If we are God’s children, obviously he wants us to be independent. If a believer falls sick, he will pray to God and ask God to heal him. But, if an atheist falls sick, he will do everything himself that he needs in order to be healthy again. So, obviously, God would be happier with the atheist because he took care of his own problems without bothering God. 

If there actually is a real God, it is obvious that it is not the Christian God. It is also obvious that he doesn’t want us to do what the religious fools do day and night. 

Blessed are the merciful.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Prayer and Morality

Many Christians and Muslims say, “If there is no God, why should we be righteous?” This is really a stupid question. Such people, even if they are righteous are so, because they want to gain the approval of God and get rewards after death. Therefore, if a person, who is good even though he doesn’t believe in God is a “real” righteous person because he has no desire for rewards after death or fear of punishment after death. 

Most of those religious people who think that morality comes from God, would probably commit murder, rape, genocide and all kinds of evil acts if it is proven that God doesn’t exist. Such people do good deeds, or at least, avoid doing bad deeds because they are afraid of their deity and they want rewards after death in heaven. So, if we think about it, this is not real morality. This is just doing what their god supposedly wants them to do. So, we can come to the conclusion that only a person, who does action selflessly, is a true righteous person. The Bhagavad Gita teaches selfless action. It teaches that people should perform their actions without having any desire for the results.

Now, let’s come to prayer. Christians and people of other religions, spend lots of time praying, and hoping that their deity will hear their prayers and fulfill their wishes. Some attend prayers just in order to please their deity, or because prayer has become traditional. But, we must understand that prayers make no difference to our environment. How can repeatedly citing a passage written millennia ago to please a non-existent deity make a change in our world? Even people who believe in God should understand this. Why would an all-powerful God need us to sing his praises? It is just a matter of time when many people will look at prayers the same way they do at blood sacrifices today. 

If I were to say, “If the Egyptian God Ra exists, he must make it rain in five minutes to prove his existence.” And, if five minutes later, it doesn’t rain, the Christian will say, “Ha ha, I knew Ra doesn’t exist.” But, if I were to say, “If Jesus exists, he must make it rain in five minutes to prove his existence.” And, if five minutes later, it doesn’t rain, the Christians will make many excuses. The Christian may say, “Jesus doesn’t have time for something so trivial”. But, very well then, instead of asking him to make it rain, why don’t you pray and ask him to wipe out cancer in a day or two? But, no! Jesus will never answer any kind of prayer and even Christians know this fact. They just don’t want to admit it. 

1 Kings 18: 25- 40 has a fascinating story. In this story, Elijah, a puppet of Yahweh wanted to prove that the god Baal didn’t exist. So, he asked the prophets of Baal to pray and create a fire. So, the prophets prayed to Baal, but Baal didn’t respond. Then, Yahweh’s puppet Elijah prayed to Yahweh, who responded and proved his existence by creating the fire. So, Elijah mercilessly killed all the prophets of Baal. 

So, according to the Bible, Yahweh, the Christian god, does respond when someone wants him to prove his existence. But, the truth is that no matter how much you pray, Yahweh will not respond, just like Baal didn’t. And, if today’s atheists become as brutal as the ancient followers of Yahweh, the Christians will end up like Baal’s prophets for failing to prove the existence of their deity. 
If you don’t believe that Yahweh will not respond, you can try praying day and night. You can shout if you like, you can offer many kinds of burnt offerings so that Yahweh can “smell” them. But, still, he will not respond. Why? Because he doesn’t exist!

People have tried praying in hospitals, as experiments, to see if the patients would heal any faster. But, no! Everything was going the same way. So, there is simply no use arguing with the fact that prayer cannot make any kind of difference. 

So, instead of wasting our time on prayers, why don’t we spend our time helping the poor and the needy instead?
Blessed are the merciful.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Crime and Punishment

Many orthodox Christians and Muslims believe in heaven and hell. And, they claim that sinners will burn in hell for eternity, while the righteous will enjoy eternal peace in heaven. Some even go to the height of saying that even people of other religions are going to hell. Christians call their god just and merciful, and so do Muslims. But what is “just” and “merciful” about letting someone suffer infinite punishment for finite crime? Suppose, a man committed murder out of anger. According to the Christian theory of crime and punishment, he would suffer eternal hell just because of one mistake. Why Christians and Muslims defend this false theory of crime and punishment is something I don’t understand, and neither do I want to. 

According to few Hindus and Buddhists, many hells exist but none of them are eternal. According to this theory, sinners are sent to hell and are given the punishment they deserve. After that, they are reincarnated into a new life form. This theory makes sense but, personally, I believe there is no hell. If God really is merciful, there never would be such a horrific place. 

What I believe in is reincarnation. Some people are born disabled, some people die at a very young age and some people are born in very poor families. Orthodox Christians and Muslims have no explanation for this. The only explanation is that such children committed crimes in their past lives. Would a loving and compassionate God make children suffer for no reason? No.

There is also a huge flaw in the theory of heaven and hell. Suppose a child died at the age of three. How is God going to judge him based on his actions? 

Finally, biologists have found many evidence of reincarnation. They have done research on children who claimed to have memories of their past lives. After doing more research and investigation, they have found out that the people, whom the children claimed to be in their past life, did exist. In most cases, the dead person also had many strong similarities to the child which further supports the theory of reincarnation.

But, can Christians and Muslims provide even a little evidence for hell and heaven? No. Christianity is full of all kinds of lies and self-contradictions. Remember that Christianity and Islam are the two religions with the highest number of followers across the world. Do they have so many followers because their religion is beautiful and compassionate? No, those two religions were adopted by the people because of their threats of heaven and hell. Plus, those two religions, especially Christianity, were forced down the throats of people who had no interest in religion.

So, according to evidence and logic, the concept of heaven and hell is wrong. For those of us who are looking for life after death should look forward to reincarnation, which actually has some evidence. Frankly speaking, evidence, science and common sense, are the three worst enemies of orthodox Christianity. 

Blessed are the merciful.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Religious nonsense

Suppose there is an atheist who is a very kind-hearted and generous person, and there is a Christian who is an irritating troublemaker. Once, the Christian’s house caught fire, and the atheist decided to save his life. He went inside the building to save the Christian’s life. And, so the Christian’s life was saved, but the atheist died as he couldn’t get out. In other words, a well-behaved, generous atheist sacrificed his life to save an irritating Christian. So, who is going to hell and who is going to heaven is something I will leave for you to decide.

The Christian concept of heaven and hell is something that makes no sense. It is really stupid to believe in such a story. Plus, there is no evidence for it.

Here are some arguments used by Christians that have been countered.

What if Christianity is correct?

Most Christians may argue “But what if it is correct?” They argue that if somehow their doctrine turns out to be correct, the atheists and people of other religions will really burn in hell for eternity. But, the probability of their doctrine being correct is 1 out of 1000. There are many religions having different concepts of life after death. What if the Christian is wrong and the Muslim is correct? That would mean all Christians would be burning in hell while the Muslims enjoy themselves in heaven with the seventy two virgins.

Even if there were no errors in the Bible, the probability of it being a word of God is still low. There are many other books from other religions which according to people are inspired words of God. What makes their books any less significant than the Bible is something I will leave for the Christians themselves to decide. And, out of all these books, why should I believe in the Bible, a book that is full of self-contradictions and inconsistencies is a question that no Christian ever dares to answer.

Suppose you’ve never heard of the Bible and Christianity. And, one day, in a book store, you come across the Bible and read a few pages of it.  “Heavens! I’ve become wise. I’ve found the meaning of life in this book. I’m going to believe in Jesus for the rest of my life.” Is that what you are going to say? Nope. You would probably throw it into the wastebasket.

Are you not afraid of going to hell?

Most orthodox Christians argue, “Why are you taking such a risk being non-Christian? If somehow Christianity is correct, you will be going to hell forever.”

There are two holes in the argument.

Firstly, even you don’t believe in the God of Islam. So, if somehow Islam is correct, you will go to hell forever. So, if you tell me why you are taking such a risk by rejecting Islam, you will get my answer about why I am taking such a risk by rejecting Christianity.

Secondly, I am not afraid of hell the same way you aren’t afraid of being killed by a thunderbolt coming from the finger of Zeus for not worshiping him. If I don’t believe in Zeus, I don’t have any reason to believe in Jesus.

If I believe that my biological father will help me when I am in trouble, is that unreasonable? No. So, why is it unreasonable to believe that my God will help me?

If you’ve never met your biological father, you don’t know his phone number, you don’t know where he lives, you don’t even know whether he is alive, then it would be unreasonable to believe that he would come to help you when you get in trouble. The same applies to your god, because you’ve never met him, and you can never be sure whether he exists or not.

But, whether you believe in your god or not is your personal choice. The point is that you shouldn’t force someone to believe in your god.

How is “faith” unreasonable? Don’t you have faith that the sun will rise tomorrow? 

I don’t. Why should I have faith on the Sun? It rises everyday to provide our planet with heat and light so I believe it will do the same tomorrow. It is not because of faith, but because of experience, that I believe that the sun will be rising tomorrow.

Now, let’s turn to something else.

Is Buddhism a religion?

All religions are full of nonsense. Even though Buddhism is called a religion, it is more of a philosophical view. In Buddhism, there are no mythologies and stupid tales. Buddhism was actually a rebellion against religious nonsense. Judaism, Islam and Christianity are nothing more than mass delusions. Lord Buddha taught us not to believe in such nonsense. Buddhism is not a dogma; it is about using our sense of logic and justice. 

Interesting quotes

Here are some interesting quotes. I hope you like them.
1.      The difference between a delusion and a religion is the number of people who share it.
2.      If you were taught that elves cause rain, every time it rained, you would see the proof of the existence of elves.
3.      A man without God is like a fish without a bicycle.
4.      A society without religion is like a psychopath without a loaded Uzi.
5.      God is the only being who doesn’t have to exist in order to reign.
6.      Christianity- because thinking is hard.
Even if God even exists, why do Christians think that he would want us to sing prayers in his honor day and night? If He exists, all he would want is his people to be good, righteous and generous.

Blessed are the merciful.